I am expecting a younger audince between the ages of 16 - 25 year old males who are of a middle to upper class. The upper class element comes from the element of the film revolving around the game of poker which corrosponds to wealth.
The 6 simple questions that i shall ask include:
- How old are you? (Ranges - 0-11, 12-15, 16-25, 25-50, 50+)
- Are you male or female ?
- On average out of 10 movies you watch at the cinema, how many of these would be of the thriller genere?
- Which specific thriller sub genere would intrest you the most? (Answers include: Consiparcy Thriller, Crime thrillers, spy thrillers, supernatural thriller)
- Would my script intrest you into watching the production?
- Out of the characters in the script section, which would you relate to yourself. (All charcters have different back grounds and levels of wealth, so i will be able to make somewhat of a judgment about theirback ground)
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