Thursday, 9 February 2012

Target Audience

Today i am going to write up a questionaire to go with a section of my script and film idea to a range if different people both at my school and around my village. This will help me determin which age ranges are intrested and which are not. I will then compare my data to data i can find of the internet to see if my film fits into the generic target audience of a Thriller film.

I am expecting a younger audince between the ages of 16 - 25 year old males who are of a middle to upper class. The upper class element comes from the element of the film revolving around the game of poker which corrosponds to wealth.

The 6 simple questions that i shall ask include:

  • How old are you? (Ranges - 0-11, 12-15, 16-25, 25-50, 50+)
  • Are you male or female ?
  • On average out of 10 movies you watch at the cinema, how many of these would be of the thriller genere?
  • Which specific thriller sub genere would intrest you the most? (Answers include: Consiparcy Thriller, Crime thrillers, spy thrillers, supernatural thriller) 
  • Would my script intrest you into watching the production?
  • Out of the characters in the script section, which would you relate to yourself. (All charcters have different back grounds and levels of wealth, so i will be able to make somewhat of a judgment about theirback ground)
Even having only 6 questions will allow me to quickly predict someones taste in films, and pinpoint which types of thrillers they find enjoyable. It will also allow me to see if there is any appeal to my own production.

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