Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Main Task - Opening title sequence research

The first film i am going to look at for the opening sequence of a thriller is the latest Casino Royal. This seems like the perfect opening to analyse due to its emphasis on the poker game at the pivoting point of the film. The opening sequence begins with a black and white figure of the main character, James Bond, a character which I based my main character on.

The title of the film also appears as soon as the credits start rolling in the font of the "casino royal" sign from the film. Diamonds also appear in a foreground in a mind trick kind of style. Images of Kings, queens and jacks are also in the foreground with bond in the background shooting card shapes from his pistol. I shall use the black and white colouring in my own film and will also use a similar title sequence to make my film authentic.

The most important part I was looking for however  was the sequence in which the titles appeared on the screen. They were as followed;

  • Production company
  • Lead actor Name
  • Origination Writer Name of 007
  • Title of film
  • Actor names
  • Designers

I shall use the same style as this will definitely as it would work with my introduction, all there is now is to find a suitable piece of music  and suitable sound effects.

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