Thursday, 18 August 2011

Similar Products - Protagonist vs Antagonist

The Bourne Series

The Bourne Identy is a American Thriller/Action Film Directed by Paul Greengrass. The film was loosely based on the Novel (like many successful thriller films), "The Bourne Identity" written by Robert Ludlum. This film was also the First film of the "Bourne" trilogy, with the second being the "Bourne Supremacy" and the third being the "Bourne Ultimatum". There has however to break the trilogy by planning a release for a fourth film titled "The Bourne Legacy" estimated to be released in July 2012.

The film follows the endangered life of the protagonist Jason Bourne Played by Matt Damon, we learn from his past that he is a former CIA assassin and photogenic amnesiac. Borne at the start of "The Bourne Identity" finds himself floating unconsciously adrift in the Mediterranean sea with two gunshot wounds to the back. When he wakes up, he discovered he has amnesia as he cannot recall who he is and his past, he however soon realises that he is skilled in hand to hand combat and cant speak fluent German after instinctively defending himself against two policeman's questions about loitering in a closed car park. Jason discovers on his person that he has a passport with the name "Jason Bourne" so takes up the name thinking it's his own.

Due to this vulnerability so early on in this film we assume that he is the protagonist character, which we follow throughout the series. At this point of the film he is portrayed as being scared and confused so sympathise with him as he evades the zurich police. At this point within the film we also learn his previous job of being a assassin, however we also learn that he was part of a CIA team who failed to assassinate 'Alexander Conkilin', the head of a company. Coklilin then sends three trained assassins to eliminate Bourne, due to Bourne's vulnerability though, we still sympathise with him, just not as much as the viewer may see him as a different character of which he perhaps was.

Alexander, obviously the antagonist through his actions and appearance is apparent. He is a powerful rich man with the backing of police and the media. In all shots of him he is in smart dress and is addressing the nation and his people that they will catch Bourne for his assassination attempt, even though he cant recall doing it. He is also highlighted as being the antagonist by getting others to do he dirty work for him, by hiring the assassin and the help of the CIA.

Bourne to start with appears very scared and is wearing tattered fishing clothing after helping the Germans with their fishing. He also has an idea of where he should be and where he is from by finding a ticket to Switzerland and information to access his bank, in zurich. At this point he is still very confused. You can tell that the amnesia is genuine after a scene toward the start of the film of him asking himself within the mirror who he was. He also looks at the bullet wounds on his back to see if he can recognised and remember his assassin past. After getting access to his bank he reveals that within his account he has vast amounts of money in different currency, different passports and a gun. He decides to use the name of Jason Bourne form then on in the films. After leaving the bank he soon gets very agitated by the sound of sirens. Police also start appearing to noticing him, or appear to himself to be looking at him as there are many short track shots of police offices looking at him.

After going into visa application building he is held at gun point and is arrested, however his instincts kick in and defends himself disarming the man and try's to evade the police who are armed with rifles. He still however has no idea why he is running and what he has done wrong in the past making his actions and reactions very quick.

After evading the police he discovers the woman having difficulty with getting the visa. he offerers her £20,000 to drive him to the airport, the woman also drives a iconic British mini which could be argued as a car driven by innocence. After he evades Switzerland it is revealed that three assassin have been released to "take him out". As soon as he takes refuge with the woman in a building they are ambushed by a man with a powerful machine gun grappling through a glass window. The power difference between the men at the start of the fight shows who the protagonist and antagonist are. Jason is underequiped however manages to disarm the man and put him on the floor. However before he could answer any of Bourne's questions he jumps out of the window and commits suicide, another factor of portraying that Bourne is innocent as they wont answer his questions who, who was, why people are tracking him and who the assassin himself was.

After the death of the first assassin, Bourne discovers a phone he has which he never looked at due to evading quickly, he discovers a number of the CIA on it and calls one of the members. The man trys to wrongly mislead Bourne into a trap, however manages to get the man to meet on a bridge alone as an attempt to find out who and why he is in the position he in. To regain some control of his life Bourne begins to appear quite strong towards the CIA demanding answers, however he is given none, this only enrages Bourne more making him fight more for his survival and safety.

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