I stated to build a detailed character using familiar characters and emotions as a base. I began by looking at characters already incorporated in thriller films and found fundermental differences and similarities between the characters. The one key element of each one was that they were all VERY unique event though many had emotional similarities. I opted to create a rather boring computer manager of the name of "Greyson George". The profession in which takes skill, however can be viewed as being very dull and boring.
Following is my character Bio;
Name: Greyson George
Occupation: ICT computer manager for repairs.
He has two sons, one aged seven and the other 19. The elder son is seen by greyson to be rebellious due to the fact that he doesn't believe his fathers story of how his mother died. Their mother died a year after giving birth to peter.
Sons Names:
7 year old: Peter George.
19 year old: Sebastian George (Mother used to call him Seb)
His older son left after completing his first year of A levels and has got himself a mediocre job as a sales assistant in a clothing shop, his father however sees this achievement as being of little value creating little son/father connection with one another. The tension between them is built due to the "reason" Greyson gives Sebastian for his wifes death. Peter however gets along very well with his father due to not remembering his mother. This love hate relationship triangle put pressure on each of their relationships with one another.
Wife's Name:
Areana George
Areana was a Christian mother of two who died just after giving birth to peter. She was very trustworthy to Grey, however when she died he expressed little emotion to his children, hence Sebastians suspicions
When not in conflict with is children, George is seen as being a very charismatic but firm and stricked by his associates at work. However many respect him with his laid back way of gaining authority. He very rarely shouts and tends to deal with problems quietly by talking professionally.
He uses the same method with his children when they act up. Due to working long hours however, Sebastian tends to look after peter, hence why he still lives at home in their modern four bedroom house. They live on the outskirts of London (as Grey works in central London) and have done since Areana died.
Sebastian also feels as if he rejects his children for his profession, however Grey tries buying their love with gifts and money. This has made Peter quite selfish, however is put in his place by sebastain who was brought up with discipline from his mother.
Greyson is quite a largly built man. However he tries not to let this intimidate people by wearing a casual but smart dress code. He commonly wears black suite trousers and a shirt for work, and a shirt and smart jeans when on his days off.
Grey Does know right from wrong too, he doesn't smoke and has few friends, however he does drink ocationly, but has never been seen drunk by his children.
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