For my second piece to go with my production I am going to produce a magazine artical for it to go with my poster. To do this however I will need to look into the language of the magazine artical and the layout it's self. There are a variety of Film magazines on today's shelf's including 'Emprie' and 'Total Film'.
Both magazines follow a similar layout for their movie reviews, commonly consisting of a large still from the featured movie and main characters and a corresponding colour scheme which connects with the genre of the movie.
Below are a few examples of the layout within both total film and empire. The first is a page from the "i am legend" empire review and the following is a artical on the British film "heartless" by totalfilm.
As you can see the layouts a fairly similar consisting of a large feature picture followed by smaller columned text. Both also have larger fonted quotes from the movies/actors which stand out in a different colour and font. Both also use subheading to get someone flicking through the magazine to take notice and continue reading the publication.
The language of both is fairly simple, with a quick description of the film to begin with introducing the main characters and actors, along with quotes from actors and critics. Both magazines focus mainly on the pros instead of the cons of the movies and suggest a audience for both. I shall take this into account when making my publication as i already have a target audience i want to hit which i found out through my research.
I shall use a large photo from my production along with some smaller ones of the actual making of the film to make the publication look more professional and interesting to read and look at.
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