Friday, 11 November 2011


Over the past term i was set the task to create a short preliminary task video as a warm up activity before creating my final 5 minuet production for my A-level, for this task i also needed to create a movie poster to go with the short production. Before creating the film i had to create a storyboard, script, production schedule and shot list to aid me in the shooting of my film. I managed to get these all completed in good time, however felt that my overall production let me down. There are reasonings below in the following paragraphs.
Overall the combination of both products together works well, both the movie and the poster relate to each other, for example the post-it note is used in both the short film and the movie poster. The same hand writting is also used for both the poster and production. The poster has a slight bit of red colourisation to give the poster more a thriller feel to it.
Also you may notice the sound effect of a camera taking a photo in the production mulitple times, this idea is also pressent in the poster as the whole image of the post-it note in inside another image of a instant photograph print.
The target audience of my short production was teenagers into the thriller genere so would be classified around the 12A mark. The production dosent contain any violence or content unsuitable content so the film would fit into the taget audience. The production also creates suspence at the start of the film with the monolouge and the addition of the cliff hanger at the end puts the production into the thriller genere. Based on the audience reaction however i had mixed reviews. I myself was quite dissapointed with my short production due to lack of creativity, however some who veiwed the film commented on nice camera angles and use of unusual shots and that they liked the effect i experemented with towards the end of the clip as the "man" walks out of his house". They did however critisise some of the shot lighting, which i must agree was off in some shots.
I have learnt with this short production not to rush.  I need to take more time on my shots getting the lighting correct, however i need to keep my creativity of shots. I do however also need to increase the creativity of my plot as the preliminary task plot wasent too well developed. In the main task i will shoot my film also in more than one day, and will take this into account when planning my script and schedule.  To conclude i wasent too happy with my preliminary task however it could have gone worse by not keeping to my timeing schedule and planning. During my next task i will spend much more time on developing the plot and ask for help and opninions in places where it is needed.

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