Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Production schedule Day two, scene one and two

Production Schedule (3)


Today I finished off all of my paper work, I completed my last shot list and production schedule, all I need to do now is film the last two scenes.

I also bought over the weekend my own JVC  HD camera to help finish this production and make my own. I also got a tripod with it to create professional shots. 

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Today as a class we learned how to dub correctly by re-dubbing a clip from the latest harry potter film. The task was quite hard due to having to time the dialogue to the exact second, it was however enjoyable. When finished i shall post it on this blog.

Production wise I have imported my clips into adobe premier pro and re-named all my clips, I have also completed all of my paper work and just needs to be updated to the blog.

We are having some trouble getting everyone together to film the main body of the production, however we are going to try and plan to shoot during the half term break due to the location being available in the school then. It will provide a more maluable time frame for our actors so we can get them when they are all free at the same time. 

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Uploaded my footage today to my hard drive and i am very pleased with my shots for scene one. The lighting looks near enough perfect and I got the best out of my actor. The props and costume were also very good matching my character descriptions. I did however finish my shoot around 10 minuets early.

Today in the media lesson, both me and Chris looked at both sets of clips for both mine and his productions and analysed the quality of both the picture and sound on our laptops. Next I am going to re-name the files for easy use and import them onto the software final cut.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Few shots from scene one prep


Some reccy shots, and two pictures of our Actor playing Troy


Today both me and Chris filmed our Scene ones for our main productions, they both went very well due to good organisation. We were able to get all our actors together and take shots for reccys before the shoot. I used my production schedule and shot list to help me direct my actors. Some of the shots i compromised with and experemented with, however i am very pleased with the end results. We are filiming our third scene next Wednesday in our school hall. All relevant paper work will be up on the blog before then.

Monday, 2 January 2012


Poker set and a green felt mat have been ordered and will arrive next week before the shoot. I have almost completed my shot list and shooting schedules. I will talk to Chris next week about when to shoot and ask about days in which our actors can act.